
Our oceans are precious. Alaska lawmakers must protect them from climate change.

Like many shellfish growers, I got into this business because I love the ocean — and because I’m deeply concerned about its future.

Growing up, I served as my father’s deckhand, and in the process, I gained an appreciation for just how precious our oceans are — and how fragile. During my father’s six decades as a fisherman, the amount of fish in our oceans dropped more than 60%. Without dramatic action, climate change could cost us a sixth of all remaining marine life.

Knowing this, I turned to oyster, mussel, and kelp farming as a way to give back to the waters I was raised on and help ensure they continue to be vibrant and productive for generations to come. Bivalves are some of our most sustainable protein sources. Not only do they require few inputs or emissions to produce, but they also sequester carbon in their shells, provide habitat for other species, filter water, and defend our shorelines against storms and rising sea levels.

While I take great pride in my work to protect our oceans, there is only so much concerned citizens can do on their own. This is the single greatest challenge our species has ever faced, and our legislators must lead a coordinated, nation-wide effort to solve it.

Because Alaska is the fastest warming state, lawmakers here should be particularly motivated to address the climate crisis. This rapid change has serious implications across the shellfish supply chain, from farms like mine to Americans’ dinner plates.

For us, one of the most damaging effects of Alaska’s warmer temperatures has been glacial melt. Our glaciers are melting faster than almost any others in the world, meaning that a large amount of freshwater is draining into the ocean, dramatically altering its salinity and acidity. Bivalves are sensitive creatures, and any sudden shift can kill off an entire year’s harvest — as I know from personal experience. Since we’re one of the largest oyster producers in the state, mass mortality events can significantly impact the restaurants and families who rely on us as a food source.

But glacial melt is only one of many challenges we’re grappling with. Warming waters, ocean acidification, toxic algal blooms, foodborne illnesses and changing ocean currents are similarly undermining the viability of Alaska’s shellfish farms. As the biggest supplier of seafood in the country, we have a lot to lose: the industry directly employs more workers than any other private sector, accounts for about 10 percent the state’s economic output, and contributes significantly to local and national food security. Given these statistics, it’s no surprise that nearly 80 percent of Alaskan voters are concerned about the effects of climate change on commercial fisheries.


Though some climate impacts are already locked in for decades, the worst-case scenario is not a foregone conclusion — yet. In fact, we have the solutions we need to limit warming to 1.5 degrees and prepare for greater weather extremes, but we’re quickly running out of time to implement them.

The Build Back Better Act is a good place to start. In addition to accelerating the transition to renewable energy, incentivizing climate-smart agriculture, and preserving private forests, it would also help coastal communities build resilience to natural disasters, fund ocean-related climate research, and update hatchery infrastructure.

As a shellfish farmer, I’m honored to do my part to care for this breathtakingly beautiful place I call home. But much more must be done to ensure that Alaska is a safe, prosperous place for our children and grandchildren to live. By supporting the Build Back Better Act, Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan can join us in the fight for Alaska’s future.

Weatherly Bates is the co-owner and operator of Alaska Shellfish Farms near Homer, Alaska, and a member of the Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition.

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