Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, February 5, 2018

Leadership, passion of YWCA's Hilary Morgan will be missed

With Hilary Morgan's departure from her position as CEO of the YWCA Alaska, I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank her for her leadership at the Y since 2011, and for her decades of public service and civic engagement in Anchorage. The incredible level of civic engagement and volunteerism in our community is what makes Anchorage such a wonderful place to live. Hilary lives and breathes social justice, and is a longtime champion of equity and inclusion. Her leadership at the Y, whose mission is to eliminate racism and empower women, has taken the organization to the "next level." The former Y staff that she has mentored have spread their wings with other social justice agencies in Anchorage, and are helping widen the circle of social justice in Anchorage. While I will miss Hilary at the Y, I know that she is leaving the organization in a good place, poised to continue to fight the good fight. I wish Hilary and her wife Robin all the best in their future endeavors.

— Darrel Hess

Media siding with FBI, Justice

Your Jan. 30 front page has The New York Times announcing that FBI deputy director McCabe resigned due to "taunts" from President Trump. Then your Nation and World section has the New York Post announcing that the Republicans voted to release a memo alleging FBI "missteps."

Both of these headlines are designed to let one think that there is much ado about nothing, and that both McCabe and the FBI are being unreasonably attacked. The fact of the matter is that the FBI and Department of Justice leadership have been caught involved in serious, unlawful activity. It's so tiresome to watch the media continue to run interference for these rascals. Our own Sen. Ted Stevens was one of their victims, so it's my hope this swamp of vipers gets cleaned out.

Guys like Comey and this McCabe have stained the name of both our FBI and DOJ, and it's not fair to the other honest Americans who work there. Our media is doing America an injustice by taking sides instead of printing the truth.


— Mary Rapp

Trumpet ideals as loud as you can

"Progressive" Dick Palmatier in his Feb. 2 letter indicates that he agrees with "Americans need to get along," and then proceeds to badmouth the right side of the political spectrum. Funny, just the other day I heard a political conservative say the exact same things Palmatier says, using most of Palmatier's same words … "the left refuses to stop yelling, will not accept the White House, or any law that is not consistent with their myopic rigid beliefs. The left will not compromise. Even though the pendulum has swung and rational people are leading, we conservatives must continue to point out how crazy the left-wing nuts have become." Guess the one thing Palmatier and this conservative might agree on: "Hold fast to your ideals and stay vocal."

— Jim Lieb

Welcome to turbulent times

Current events suggest the GOP is trying to rebrand itself to stand for Good Old Putin; seems party comes before country now. I always wondered what people felt when they were going through turbulent portions of history. Never thought I would know the answer to that, but now I do.

— Mike Searcy

No big surprise here

Nunes? No news!

— Ken Flynn