Letters to the Editor

Letter: PFD waste

I hear little or no talk about what percent of a $3,000 dividend would have to be forfeited to the federal government for income taxes. For my wife and me, two $3,000 PFDs would mean a tax of $900 at 15% tax. What a waste of state funds when so many state services would be unfunded with a full $3,000 PFD. For the whole state, that could average 10% of the PFD payment — almost $200 million to the federal government, based on the 2018 population of 737,000 residents.

I urge everyone to read Tim Bradner’s commentary piece in the July 30 edition of the ADN, especially those legislators who are supporting the governor’s vetoes at the cost of a full PFD. This includes our local representative, Sarah Vance, who blindly follows the governor and his Outside adviser and who was elected with Outside money and help. Bradner’s comment piece is the most accurate, truthful and thoughtful piece I have been privileged to read. He points out why we are not historically entitled to a PFD.

As a longtime resident of Homer, I feel education is the future of Alaska.

— Dave and Beth Schroer


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