Letters to the Editor

Letter: $3,000 dividend is irresponsible

As a several-decade resident of Alaska, I am disappointed and unhappy with the extreme, myopic budget vetoes. Alaska’s fiscal crisis did not suddenly surface. Reality has been postponed for years. Supporting a $3,000 Permanent Fund dividend is irresponsible. PFD payout amounts have ranged from the lowest, $331 in 1984, to the highest, $2,072 in 2015, for the years of payouts from its inception in 1982.

At UAA, the first lesson from Professor Hill in Economics 101 was: TINSTAAFL or “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” Irresponsible, drastic cutting comes with the cost of lost incomes and purchasing power of workers and a diminished quality of life across the state.

Solely cutting the budget is not a fiscally responsible solution. We need to increase revenue as well. Although it may not be popular, it is past time to reinstate an income tax — especially to capture some revenue from out of state workers, who should contribute to our state’s infrastructure, maintenance, expenses and quality of life, and implement a seasonal sales tax exempting food, prescriptions and personal hygiene items.

Furthermore, eliminate oil tax credits. The mature approach is to be self-supporting and for businesses to pay their fair shares. I’d appreciate a reduced PFD, closer to $1,000, as part of a multi-pronged, responsible, long-term approach to our fiscal reality. I do not want Alaska to suffer a recession.

— Jo Bennett


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