Letters to the Editor

Letter: Cherry-picking ads

The ads being run by the OneAlaska group are a classic case of cherry-picking statistics to favor one side of an argument. Fair enough; that’s a commonplace way to make a point. However, I’m kind of surprised at one of the “facts” they chose to bolster their argument.

Their ad says that the Alaska Permanent Fund got $2.7 billion in oil and gas royalty payments since 2014. That’s not much for them to be bragging about. $2.7 billion is a pittance compared with what we should have got for our fair share under the former oil tax law.

Now here’s an indisputable fact for you to consider: When we last voted to repeal Senate Bill 21, industry groups outspent those in favor of an equitable share by about 20 to 1 on brainwashing ads like the ones they’re broadcasting now. With all that money behind them, they slithered away with a very narrow victory. Don’t fall for their propaganda again. Unfortunately, we may have missed the bus. There won’t be much to divvy up at these prices.

— Jon Goniwiecha


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