Letters to the Editor

Letter: A great newspaper

Yesterday, over the Sunday paper, my wife said “There’s the best editorial in the ADN this morning. It’s even-handed, positive and encouraging. We’re so lucky to have such a great newspaper.”

Today, while I was driving to the drug store, I was thinking about that comment and my own 40-plus-year history with the ADN. When the Binkleys rescued our last daily paper from the Alaska Dispatch News financial debacle, my first thought as a longtime, loyal subscriber was “Thank God someone stepped up.” But honestly, as a nonpartisan voter, my immediate second thought was “Uh-oh, they’ve been associated with the Republican Party for a long time. I hope we don’t end up with a partisan rag.” Much to my delight — and, frankly, surprise — during the next few months, those doubts were firmly laid to rest. As I pulled into the drug store parking lot, I decided it was way past time for writing a letter thanking the owners for running a damn fine newspaper.

In a timely coincidence, when I got home, we put on PBS News; one of the the very first stories was about the Anchorage Daily News winning a Pulitzer Prize — the third Pulitzer the ADN has won during my time as a subscriber. Wow! That clinched it. Definitely writing that letter to the owners of the ADN:

Thank you for saving our daily newspaper.

Thank you for adhering to honest and even-handed journalistic standards.

And now I get the genuine pleasure of adding this, too: Congratulations to reporter Kyle Hopkins, his colleagues, his editor and his owners and publishers for winning the Pulitzer Prize for the articles on the crisis in Alaska rural law enforcement. A fantastic and well-deserved recognition.

My wife stated it perfectly: “We’re so lucky to have such a great newspaper.”


— Kenneth Higgins


Have something on your mind? Send to letters@adn.com or click here to submit via any web browser. Letters under 200 words have the best chance of being published. Writers should disclose any personal or professional connections with the subjects of their letters. Letters are edited for accuracy, clarity and length.