Letters to the Editor

Letter: Actions speak louder

“Actions speak louder than words.” We hear this phrase often and want it to speak to who we are as individuals and organizations. We want to believe that in trying times our best emerges, a version of our self that stands in the gap for those in need. Too often, though, that opportunity to be our best self appears, and slips away. We freeze in indecision, worry, and we talk ourselves out of doing the right thing because it is too hard or will negatively impact us in some way.

But that is not Alaska. That is not Anchorage.

Alaskans do stand in the gap for those in need. In moments of uncertainty, our best does emerge.

Alaska Communications, a fantastic partner of the 90% Graduation by 2020 community initiative, is a perfect example of putting the community’s needs before their own. ACS identified a gap that would have prevented so many students from engaging in virtual learning during our “hunker-down” mandates — and stepped in as a bridge to success. ACS understands that the health, vitality, and future of our community is directly tied to the success of our students. By providing free Wi-Fi hotspots to our students, ACS lets its actions speak for the values they, and all of us, adhere to. Thank you to ACS for showing the values that are emblematic of who we are as Alaskans.

— Brett Banks

VP of Education Impact, United Way of Anchorage


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