Letters to the Editor

Letter: Step up and vote

Lots of good info in the Aug. 2 opinion pages. These include the ADN editorial board’s full support for voting by mail. Makes so much sense, for all of the reasons noted in their “Our View” comments.

While an engaged citizen could comment on any of the comments and letters, I am compelled to write about one thing contained in the “Time to step up” letter from our friends in Juneau. The one line, “It is not naive to expect our elected officials to be responsive to the citizenry,” is itself naive. But the good news is that this naiveté can easily be overcome.

Many people, including myself, have urged our fellow citizens to watch the 90-minute documentary “Dark Money,” available on DVD for about $15. High school civics teachers should show this to students and ask them to compare how their standard textbooks explain how our government is supposed to work. Then consider who is running “our” state government when we learn that “Americans for Prosperity” and the Alaska Policy Forum are helping draft “our” state budget. Great subject for good investigative journalism. Will we see it?

Dave Carter


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