Letters to the Editor

Letter: Oil tax advice

Are you confused on how to vote on Ballot Measure 1? Why wouldn’t you feel that way when you see these ads in big bold print — “BANKROLLED BY OUTSIDERS”? Who are these outsiders and why are they so concerned about Alaskans finally getting a fair shake from the oil companies?

Think about it! Isn’t it amazing the bankrollers' ads supporting Ballot Measure 1 pale in comparison to the ads by your neighbors and friends that are bankrolled by oil companies.

Having served as an Alaska state senator, I can assure you the oil companies never come out on the short side of the balance sheet.

In my opinion, you need to ignore these ads that tug at your heart telling you to feel compassion for these struggling oil companies.

I can assure you the oil companies will survive your yes vote on Ballot Measure 1, and the state of Alaska will benefit greatly.

— Terry D. Stimson


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