Letters to the Editor

Letter: Sen. Sullivan’s doing great

I have noticed a lot of letters lately accusing Sen. Dan Sullivan of being a lapdog of the Republican Party. They claim he votes the party line no matter the merits of the issue. This obviously is not true. Sen. Sullivan is well versed on the issues and votes for the best interests of Alaska and the country. So, let’s take a look at the Democrats.

On the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court vote, all but one Democrat voted voted no. Are we to be believe all the Democrats bought into an accusation about an alleged assault that occurred in high school that had no witnesses? Same for the two impeachments. Did every Democrat buy into an anomalous whistleblower account or the legality of the Ukraine phone call? Did every Democrat truly believe an impeachment trial for a private citizen was constitutional? All three of these cases sound like mindless party line votes. Maybe it is time to dial back the hypocrisy.

Sen. Sullivan is doing a great job for Alaska. We should be encouraging him to continue to do so. In fact, we just did with the most recent election.

— Bob Bell


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