Letters to the Editor

Letter: Faulty assumptions

A false assertion by Robert Myers that Alaska’s “new problem is how to distribute our wealth” is a phony reason for a full constitutional convention (Oct. 9). Myers does not seek the current amendment process written into the Alaska Constitution. He stated that Alaska’s founders “were smart people,” but he rejects their amendment process.  

He absurdly advanced a full convention, which has no sideboards to eliminate crazy and unsound ideas. Myers weakly wrote that “poison pills” may cause a convention’s “work to be rejected.” But his unstable conclusion that the constitution wouldn’t be a “completely new document” is wild speculation.

Myers didn’t tell you that the Permanent Fund has lost a lot of money since it reached $81.9 billion in June of 2021, before falling to $76.3 billion in June 2022; losses have continued such that the fund is now in the low $70 billion range — with $3.5 billion of that “committed” to fund Alaska’s operations.Myers didn’t tell you that but for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Alaska would not be receiving high oil prices. Myers didn’t tell you Alaska would have deficits without high oil prices. Myers didn’t tell you anything about Alaska’s long-term financial certainty.

Myers wrongly inferred the convention’s “body of individuals” would not be many elected officials.

— Joe Paskvan


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Joe Paskvan

Joe Paskvan is a lifelong Alaskan and retired attorney. He served in the Alaska State Senate from 2008 to 2012, including a year as co-chair of the Senate Resources committee. He lives in Fairbanks.