Letters to the Editor

Letter: Book bans and ignorance

Ignorance will ban books. Banning books will create ignorance. Just what the ignorant want: more ignorance to advance their agenda, so most will remain ignorant. However, in defense of book bans, for an elite few it will be better to control the masses in their unknowledgeable ignorance.

Maybe this push to ban books is not about books, but a push to control free thoughts and ideas. Some subject matter those who want to ban books for can be found in their Bible: Just read the prophets, no skimming over — in particular Ezekiel, Chapter 22. Are you going to ban the Bible?

Don’t ban books because you, your friends, pastor or family don’t like a book’s subject matter — just don’t read the book. Your children and you are more likely to be exposed to views you don’t like on social media and other sources than reading a book. Get rid of the phones, tablets, gaming systems, televisions, magazines and computers, just to be safe from all subject matter.

— Karen Delkittie


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