Letters to the Editor

Letter: Let’s change the political climate

The culture war is alive and well in the great state of Alaska. We see it in dark-of-night rule changes, making it OK to discriminate based on sexuality at the behest of some mysterious Christian organization. There are attempts to control women’s health by threatening drug stores, as well as proposed new laws regarding pronouns in school.

It does seem that people are getting tired of it, though: Letters to the paper are generally opposed to really opposed. Courageous lawmakers in Juneau are calling this stuff out for what it is. We need to continue to encourage our lawmakers to keep their eye on the ball. Fund the government, so it can educate our kids and provide safety nets to those who need help.

The last I heard, feeding the poor was a human value. Cutting the government to the bone so that it is unable to provide those basic services is nothing short of disgraceful. My unscientific view tells me the political climate is changing. Our voices are needed to help it change. The old saying goes, “The people get the government they deserve.” I think we deserve more; I know I do.

— David A. Olson


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