Letters to the Editor

Letter: Misconceptions on Willow

In his March 29 piece, “Alaska’s March Madness, fueled by oil,” Mr. Bill Sherwonit perpetuated unfortunate misunderstandings about Alaska Native communities and the Willow project.

There is overwhelming support for Willow on the North Slope. The board of the Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat, which includes the vast majority of leaders across the North Slope — mayors, tribal leaders, Alaska Native regional and village corporation presidents, regional tribe and borough government — issued its strong support for Willow through a unanimous resolution and letters to the Biden administration.  

It is also important to note that the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS) is not just some “group,” as Mr. Sherwonit put it, but a federally recognized tribe that leads relations with the federal government on behalf of its 13,000 members. The author would do well to learn more about ICAS’ history and its historic advocacy for Alaska’s Iñupiat communities before suggesting that he understands our community’s opinion on Willow.  

The only March Madness present in Alaska is Mr. Sherwonit’s wild misunderstanding about our people and region. The majority consensus on the North Slope supports Willow, the economic benefits offered by the project and its ability to coexist with our subsistence traditions.  

— Nagruk Harcharek

President, Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat


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