Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t use Centennial Campground

On the front page of the ADN May 24, it has been proposed to again use Centennial Campground as a “shelter” for people. Most of the residents of Muldoon are totally against this, again. Actually, many of us are furious. In 2022, we held protest meetings with our elected representatives to stop this from happening.

Along with the Eastside Community Council, many of us residents are telling our new elected representatives Karen Bronga, George Martinez, Rep. Cliff Groh, Sen. Löki Tobin and Sen. Bill Weilechowski that we are adamantly opposed to using Centennial Campground as a “shelter.”

Anchorage police were called more than 40 times in a three-month period, there was drug use and dealing, an overdose, a shooting, mail was being stolen, shoplifting increased, our bikes were taken, trash and chopping of trees was everywhere, panhandling up and down Muldoon Road, in addition to the deplorable situation for the folks in the campground.

For the mayor and Assembly, Centennial is not the place. It is too close to our homes and neighborhood areas here. Shelter them in your front and back yard instead, to learn what it’s truthfully like.

— Luke Joseph


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