Letters to the Editor

Letter: Time for a course change

How timely and inspiring: I just learned that Nov.

13 was the start of World Kindness Week. From quick research, I gather it is geared to teach children the value of, and how to incorporate, acts of kindness toward others. Coincidently, Nov. 20 is Universal Children’s Day, a time to recognize and stand up for children’s rights. “Universal” and “world” say to me that Palestinian children are included.

Considering the monthlong mass slaughter of Palestinian children, I question who among the adults is capable of teaching a “kindness” lesson this year. To stand silently by is to acquiesce to unconscionable crimes. Help change the current course of global inaction. Demand immediate cease-fire in Palestine.

Be an advocate to guarantee the basic right of life to innocent Palestinian children. Write your representatives, support peaceful gatherings, and use your voice to show overwhelmingly that kindness must prevail.

— Judie Jordan


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