Letters to the Editor

Letter: Parental responsibility

The opportunity for kids to learn remotely should be welcomed with open arms.

Yes, it can inconvenience parents — one recent letter writer described parents as “fully scheduled” — stating parents “don’t need to be burdened with the insincere or fanciful idea that the teaching ball might be passed to them depending on the weather.”


I grew up and raised a child as a working single parent in Alaska. I was his first teacher, as are all parents. I always regarded educating my child as a top priority and an integral part of my job as a parent. It’s part and parcel of parenting. I regarded public education as my partner in that endeavor.

I don’t recall using personal leave days or taking a vacation when my child was school-age. I primarily used those days for “snow” days, to take care of him when he was ill, and if I didn’t have child care available, for days when school was otherwise closed with no notice. Had remote learning been available to me at such times, I would have taken full advantage of it. School is for formal education; it is not free child care.

When school is not available, it is our job as parents to work with our education partners.

Remote learning is one way to do so.


— Michael Boshears


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