Letters to the Editor

Letter: Finding common ground

This letter is in response to Penny Goodstein’s letter on May 8. I would like to reach out to Penny, Congregation Beth Sholom and any others who are feeling betrayed or threatened by the pro-Palestinian protests. Congregation Beth Sholom’s strong advocacy for universal human rights and dignity speaks for itself and firmly seats its members in our community. Anchorage is enriched by your presence, your neighbors are glad you are here and continue to stand with you.

As a person who has been horrified by both the initial Hamas attack and the progressively worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, I ask for your guidance. Please help me define a position that respects all human life without being insensitive to the very complex history of Israel. How can we use language and policy to unite people across different groups and strengthen an effective movement away from the present intolerable situation?

— Toni Sparrow


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