Letters to the Editor

Letter: Long Trail concerns

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is working with Congress and BLM to create a Federal Scenic Long Trail from Seward to Fairbanks. I’m deeply concerned that private landowners aren’t being notified about the Long Trail passing through or near private lands. I feel as if this trail is being rushed and certain user groups aren’t being notified.

The route into the Talkeetna Mountains is another concern; who’s going to pay for rescue missions? Alaska has harsh extreme weather conditions, and proponents of the Long Trail are inviting people all over the world to hike the trail, without knowledge of Alaska’s weather and dangerous wildlife.

Another concern is water sources for safe drinking and the garbage left behind by travelers. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter stole our lands and promised that Alaskans could still use those lands. The federal government has proven that they don’t keep promises. This Long Trail will only place more restrictions on Alaskans for using our lands. Please reject the Alaska Long Trail to preserve our rights to our land.

— John Suter


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