Letters to the Editor

Letter: Our energy, our vote

We write as parents of Alaska’s next generation, in support of efforts to harness renewable energy resources we have here at home.

As Alaskans, our families work hard, play hard and love where we live. We want to secure a future of opportunity for our children, one where we have plenty of good jobs and affordable energy. We want our children to be able to stay here and contribute to our community, and that means investing in renewable energy infrastructure now.

In the Chugach Electric Association election, we are voting for Sam Cason and Mark Wiggin, who have already started the important work of getting large-scale wind and solar on the grid, and who will continue to take necessary steps toward building a future our children can be proud of. We urge others to vote for Mark and Sam by Friday, May 17.

— Autumn Young, Justine Weitzman, Diana Saverin and Julia Terry


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