Letters to the Editor

Letter: PR opportunity

It would appear that Jeffery Hildebrand, owner of Hilcorp, doesn’t have a clue about needy kids who cannot wait to go back to school after a weekend to finally get a good breakfast and lunch. It would seem that the Legislature’s budget conference committee doesn’t have a clue either.

Since Alaska is continuing Hilcorp’s $100 million tax break, perhaps Hildebrand would consider making a relatively small donation of $480,000 to fill the void created by the incomprehensible reasoning of our elected representatives.

Hildebrand’s wealth catapulted from $2 billion to $14 billion after he acquired BP’s Alaska interests in 2020, thus acquiring access to the oil and gas stored underground in Prudhoe Bay.

Alaska oil and gas have made him rich. Tax breaks have made him richer. This seems like an excellent time to give back to Alaska, good PR for his company and free meals for Alaska kids.

— Michel Villon


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