Letters to the Editor

Letter: Government must act like adults

My sister, myself and my three brothers were all from Alaska. We all served in the United States armed services. Only one brother was drafted; the rest of us enlisted. My two older brothers (one Army and the other Navy) served on and off the coast of Vietnam during the war. I served in the Hospital Corps during Vietnam.

We all swore a vow to the Constitution of the United States of America, not to any president. I personally do not believe that either party’s candidate should be elected to this office for the following reasons: Both are too old and the Republican candidate is a convicted felon (34 counts). The judge was fair and the jury was very attentive and did not let itself be swayed by either side. They went with the evidence and the evidence was strong.

America is a strong country, and I believe we have other individuals who can lead this great nation in the direction it needs to go. Alaska is a strong and valuable resource, and we have a great team that works together in Washington, D.C.

Our state government could serve as a template for combining the best on both sides of the table for our representatives and senators in Washington, D.C. Stop bickering, ladies and gentlemen. Act like adults, not whining little children.

My family is third-generation Alaskan; my great-grandfather came up over the Chilkoot Trail from Austria and my grandmother was the first white child born in Fairbanks. I was raised with respect for Alaska Native traditions and culture, which I honor still today.

— Katherine Grace Harkness Andrews


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