Letters to the Editor

Letter: Ship gas by rail

Everyone is talking about the looming gas shortage expected to occur in the near future in the Railbelt area. The latest plan is to import gas from other places in the world.

Is this crazy when we have vast reserves of gas in Prudhoe Bay?

Frank Murkowski wrote a letter a while back recommending a rail line to the North Slope. Great idea! Lay the tracks right down the existing road.

Rail is way more efficient than trucks. Use tank cars to move liquid natural gas from the North Slope. Fairbanks will love this idea.

Currently, the Alaska railroad is experimenting with moving liquified natural gas from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Wrong direction! Building a rail line using the existing road bed will cost millions, not the more than $40 billion the pipeline from the North Slope would cost.

— Dennis Albert


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