Letters to the Editor

Letter: We've been warned

Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault by a jury, later clarified as rape by the presiding judge. He was heard by the world on audio tape, bragging of sexual assault that he lamented, he was fortunate to be able to commit. His business organization was found guilty of yearslong, systematic fraud, his CFO has been jailed, his personal lawyer served time for crimes that benefited his client, a co-conspirator, who finally has been convicted of these same crimes by a jury, 34 felonies in all.

The man devised a New York charity found to be fake and self-dealing which was forced to close. He founded a real estate “university” later discovered to be fraudulent and forced to close. Generals like Jim Mattis, Mark Milley and John Kelly have vigorously warned us. Distinguished military men, the best of the best public servants, such as Mark Esper, William McRaven and H.R. McMaster have vigorously warned us.

Yet here we are — Sen. Dan Sullivan, with a voice that matters, still supporting Donald Trump. History will be the judge.

— Allen Jorgenson


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