
Bristol Palin buys 5-bedroom Arizona home

According to The Arizona Republic, Bristol Palin purchased a home in Maricopa, Arizona, this month. Maricopa was given the dubious distinction of being called a "poster child of the housing crisis" by a 2008 ABC Nightline report on the real estate crash. Records show Bristol's new five-bedroom, 4000-square-foot house was built in 2006 and first bought for $329,560 -- then the market crash, and it became a foreclosure investment for a couple from North Dakota, who sold the property to Bristol for $172,000 in cash. The Republic was unable to learn whether Bristol is going to be "a young snowbird" or plans to make the property her primary residence. Read more, here.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.