Alaska News

Our view: Ballot propositions

Anchorage voters have good list of city housekeeping ballot propositions before them on Tuesday. The package is modest and effective, and each question deserves a yes vote.

• Prop 2, $27.5 million for roads and drainage: Anchorage drives. Anchorage rarely turns down a roads' bond. Keep pavement smooth and runoff running in the right direction.

• Prop 3, $2.75 million for parks: This package will make repairs to one of the city's signature amenities, the Coastal Trail, provide better lighting at Kincaid Park and needed money to refurbish the Veterans' Memorial downtown. All popular venues, all good work.

• Prop 4, $1.59 million for emergency medical vehicles and public transit: Again, a modest amount of money to top up emergency transport and keep the People Mover on the road. Anchorage drives, but Anchorage rides too.

• Prop 7, property tax exemption for widows or widowers of those killed while serving in the U.S. military: This proposition would allow the city to offer an exemption for up to $150,000 of a home's value. This is a tangible way of helping our military families when they most need it.

BOTTOM LINE: Propositions 2, 3, 4 are good investments, and Prop 7 is an act of kindness and respect. Let's vote yes.