
Charlene Ostbloom Named New Doyon, Limited Vice President of Communications

Charlene Ostbloom Named New Doyon, Limited Vice President of Communications

Fairbanks, AK – Doyon, Limited, is pleased to announce Charlene Ostbloom accepted the position of vice president of communications, effective December 10, 2012.

Ostbloom joined Doyon in June of 2011 as the human resource service center manager. Previously, she worked as corporate communications director at Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC), where she was in charge of developing the messaging going out to its beneficiaries, including production of the Council, TCC's newsletter. She also worked at Alyeska Pipeline Service Company for over 10 years. She's served on the board of directors of the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Community & Technical College, and Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center.

Ostbloom will be in charge of external and internal communication initiatives for Doyon and will ensure communication strategies across the Doyon Family of Companies are aligned and support the strategic direction of the organization.

Geri Simon, senior vice president of administration, stated, "I look forward to working with Charlene in this new capacity and believe her experience and enthusiasm will continue to be a great asset to Doyon and its family of companies."

Ostbloom is a Doyon, Limited shareholder from Nulato and holds a bachelor's degree from UAF. When she is not busy with her career or volunteer work with her sons' school or sports activities, she enjoys spending time with her boys, Andrew and Nicholas.

Headquartered in Fairbanks, Doyon, Limited has more than 18,700 shareholders and was established under the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Doyon, one of the top 10 Alaskan-owned companies, is also the largest private landowner in Alaska and one of the largest in North America. Its mission is to continually enhance its position as a financially strong Native corporation in order to promote the economic and social well-being of its shareholders and future shareholders, to strengthen its Native way of life, and to protect and enhance its land and resources. For more information, visit www.doyon.com.

Doyon Ltd. press release