Alaska News

Make 2013 the year you go tobacco-free

Make 2013 The Year You Go Tobacco-Free

Anchorage, ALASKA— With 2013 just around the corner, Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line has a suggested New Year's resolution that will lead to a healthier 2013 for you, your family and friends. Quit smoking.

"The number one thing tobacco users can do to improve their health and extend their lives is to quit tobacco," said Eliza Muse, Tobacco Cessation Program Manager with the State of Alaska's Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, "We know that 75 percent of Alaska's adult smokers want to quit and counseling and medication are proven to work."

You can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or enroll online at for a customized plan that includes free coaching and nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches and gum, designed to help you quit the habit for good. It's free. It's confidential. It works.

More reasons to make 2013 resolution to be tobacco-free:

More Time and Money — Smoking eats away at both. Based on a $9 per pack average in Alaska, if you smoke a pack a day you will save over $3000 in the first year you're smokefree.

A Healthier You — People who stop using tobacco greatly reduce their risk for disease and premature death. Although the health benefits are greater for people who stop at earlier ages, cessation is beneficial at all ages.


Sense of Accomplishment — Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do; therefore, it can be the greatest accomplishment of your life.

Make 2013 the year you stomp out tobacco. Free help is available for Alaska adults by calling Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visiting or Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line offers free coaching, nicotine replacement therapies and/or cessation counseling.
