Alaska News

Share your tips for walking multiple dogs on leash

Do you walk more than one dog at a time? How does that work for you? Can you keep a loose leash on both when needed? Or is pulling a problem, even moreso than when you walk one at a time?

I ask because that's often a struggle when I walk two or three. When walked individually, I can get each of them to walk on a loose leash. Together, it's more of a challenge. My two girls, especially, seem to want to be first. Lucy, my senior Chessie, has a slightly longer leash, and that drives Jillie, my soon-to-be-4-year-old Yorkie, crazy. She wants to be in the lead.

When we pass a neighbor's house with a dog, Jillie will usually sound an alert. Then Lucy chimes in. If I'm not on top of it and am walking three, Eddie can be coaxed into barking and pulling as well.

I've had reasonable success keeping Jillie and Lucy in more of a formal heel and anticipating problems. If I can get them concentrating on me, we can pass without incident.

But it takes a lot of work on my part trying to get at least two dogs' attention. And I'm always surprised when I pass a neighbor walking their dog or dog and their dog is behaving better. What do they know that I don't.

Any tips? Or is just something I have to deal with if I insist on walking multiple dogs?
