Alaska News

Era Alaska adds specially painted Bombardier Dash-8 to its fleet

FAIRBANKS, AK—The friendly intrastate sports rivalry between the
University of Alaska Anchorage and the University of Alaska Fairbanks
reached new heights when Era Alaska added a newly painted Bombardier Dash-8 to its fleet in May.

One side of the active-service aircraft is UAA green and gold with the
Seawolf mascot; the other side sports UAF blue and gold with the
Alaska Nanooks mascot. The 34-passenger plane is a new addition to the Era Alaska fleet and will carry passengers to and from Alaska's cities
and rural villages.

Era Alaska covered the cost of painting the plane in support of the
aeronautics-based curricula and intercollegiate athletics programs at
both universities.

"The aviation degree programs offered at the University of Alaska
Fairbanks and the University of Alaska Anchorage are a critical
component to the success of our airline in the future," said Era
Alaska CEO Bob Hajdukovich. "This aircraft underscores the value of
the partnership and synergy between Era, UAF and UAA. We look forward
to this beautiful aircraft highlighting the UAF Nanook and the UAA
Seawolf everywhere Era flies."

Celebrations in Fairbanks and Anchorage June 7 recognized
Era's gift and allowed university and community officials to see the new

"I am thrilled to see this partnership between UAA, UAF and Era Alaska
become a reality," says UAA Chancellor Tom Case. "The newly painted
Seawolf/Nanook plane is an excellent testament to the outstanding
universities we have here in Alaska. It's an honor that Era Alaska has
chosen to represent us in this way."

The new aircraft offers a new level of statewide visibility to both
universities, said UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers.

"I want to thank Era Alaska for their commitment to our programs and
to the UAF community," Rogers said. "Now Alaskans from Barrow to
Kodiak, Gambell to Fort Yukon, will be reminded of the great
educational opportunities available to them through the University of
Alaska, not to mention one of the state's best sports rivalries."

The UAF and UAA athletics programs are inextricably linked because of
the conferences they both belong to, Rogers added. "Neither could
belong without the other. While we compete on the rink, court and
trail, we cooperate on ensuring a strong student-athlete experience at
both institutions."

UA press release