
Video highlights 'extraordinary' press coverage of the Fairbanks area during the past year

The Fairbanks Convention and Visitors Bureau has captured the extraordinary press coverage Fairbanks and the region received during the past year in a 3 minute video, created and produced by the bureau's Internet Associate, Sherman Hogue. Central to the video is the brilliant media coverage about aurora borealis viewing opportunities found here in Fairbanks. Other highlights include media reporting of the Outdoor Writers Association of America 2012 Conference and some topical summer coverage.

Below is a link to the video posted on the FCVB's You Tube page. You are welcome to share this video for promotional purposes as you wish.

For many years the Fairbanks Convention and Visitors Bureau has been promoting the winter season as an ideal time to visit Fairbanks and the region. These efforts, combined with the fact that the aurora cycle is at its peak during 2013 and 2014, have resulted in the Fairbanks region be destination for 2013. Fairbanks was named #2 of the top ten destinations to visit in the United States in 2013 by Lonely Planet, the leading travel guidebook publisher and website. Shortly thereafter Chena Hot Springs Resort/Chena River State Recreation Area was selected as one of the Ten Best 2013 Winter Trips worldwide by National Geographic. And additionally a Los Angeles Times travel columnist cited Fairbanks as one of the top 10 places he would like to visit worldwide in 2013. These designations led to even more press culminating in an Associated Press article which was picked up by dozens of media outlets.


Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau press release