Letters to the Editor

Letter: Woman offers thanks to those who helped in scary situation

"A big thank you" to the two gracious gentlemen that had vet license plates in the dark blue truck who stopped and helped me change a flat tire on July 10 late in the evening. I did not get their names, but hundreds of vehicles passed me by without stopping to help. I thought I knew how to change a flat, Wrong! They had it done in no time and were so nice.

Also thanks to my wonderful neighbors who I called late in the evening to come to my rescue on the Glenn Highway. Larry and Karen Parde helped out and followed me home as I drove on a very old spare tire.

I cannot say thank you enough to all four of them for getting me out of a scary situation! Thank God for our vets who stop to help time and time again and to such great neighbors who help out without hesitation.

— Patty Wells

Eagle River