
Homer physical therapist Sallie Rediske earns special certification

Homer Physical Therapy is proud to announce that our very own Sallie Rediske is now an American Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Women's Health Physical Therapy Services.

The WCS (Women's Certified Services) certification program formally recognizes physical therapists who have attained advanced knowledge and skills in areas related to women's health care including: Treatment of bladder and bowel issues, sexual dysfunction, pregnancy-related issues, osteoporosis, lymph edema , post breast cancer rehabilitation, and other healthcare concerns that predominantly affect women.

This distinction is earned via successful completion of a rigorous application process including documented hours of specialty practice exceeding 2000 hours and completion of a case reflection demonstrating advanced level clinical skills and knowledge of current scientific literature. The application process is followed by a proctored comprehensive set of tests in the areas included in the women's health specialty practice area. Rediske is the first physical therapist in Alaska to achieve this credential.

HPT press release