Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don't be duped by anti-ACA propaganda in Alaska

To paraphrase Mark Twain, "The rumors of the Affordable Care Act's death have been greatly exaggerated."

After a month trying to access HealthCare.gov, I called them, set up my account, waited three days and accessed my account online. I would suggest this methodology for anyone having a challenge with setting up your ACA account. I enrolled with no problems.

For me there are 34 options available through either Premera Blue Cross or Moda and they are considerably better than the catastrophic insurance I've carried.

The yearly deductibles range from $750 to $6,350, out-of-pocket maximums range from $4,500 to $6,350 (the maximum under ACA) and monthly premiums range from $681 Bronze Plans to $1,189 Gold Plans. I'm 61— your rates and tax subsidies will vary.

Currently my deductible is $10,000 and out-of-pocket maximum is $15,000. ACA is much better.

Don't believe Governor Sean Parnell or Koch brother affiliated websites — "Know the Facts Alaska" or "Don't Enroll Alaska." ACA will be better for Americans and we all will benefit.

— Samuel Combs
