Letters to the Editor

Letter: Firemen acted quickly, carefully

I would like to express my sincere and deepest gratitude to the Anchorage Fire Department for its response to a fireplace fire at my house last weekend during a house-warming party. Not only did Fire Station 3 firefighters arrive at my house within just a few minutes of my phone call (I think I was still on the phone with the dispatcher when they arrived), but Capt. Jess Werner and other firemen took the time to discuss the situation with me and my friends in a very caring manner, and they took great care to minimize the damage to the house while they put the fire out. This sentiment has been shared by the many people who have streamed through the house to assess damage and restoration!

I didn't want to miss an opportunity to give kudos where kudos are greatly deserved — the Anchorage Fire Department.

— Soch Lor
