Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Oct. 23, 2014

Quarantine before travel

Before anyone can travel from West Africa to the U.S., including passengers from other countries who have been to West Africa recently, they should be required to enter a 21-day quarantine (the incubation period of Ebola), with documented proof that they completed the quarantine.

Taking the temperature of people traveling to the U.S. who might have Ebola, but do not yet show symptoms, is useless in stopping the spread of this disease to our country.

Frank E. Baker

Eagle River

Voters deserve relevant info before the election

I was extremely disappointed to learn relevant information after the Aug. 19 primary election that would have influenced my vote on the Ballot Measure 1 regarding oil taxation. (Exxon production down and BP laying off employees.)

Likewise, I am extremely disappointed that the Parnell administration is not forthcoming on what they know and when they knew it in regard to the Alaska National Guard scandal. Gov. Sean Parnell should stop hiding behind the pretense of protecting National Guard members now, when it is apparent his administration did little to protect them in the past four years. Tell us what you knew and when you knew it. Alaskans deserve the relevant information before the Nov. 4election.

Burt Neimeyer



Guard members deserve better than just politics

The very unfortunate and disgusting situation within the Alaska National Guard is obviously in need of fair and rapid resolution. That said, I am personally convinced Gen. Katkus was unfairly singled out, then thrown under the bus for a situation that he was trying to resolve, and a situation that certainly existed prior to him serving as the senior officer in the guard.

To make matters worse, it was politically decided to bring Outside assistance in to investigate and make the overdue and much needed improvements. It will take time for these Outsiders to even learn where the bathrooms are let alone the role of everyone involved. I firmly believe there are highly qualified members currently serving in the Alaska Guard who understand the intricate details of the issue and are fully capable of exposing the facts that would lead to an appropriate and enduring resolution. The honorable and devoted members of the Alaska Guard deserved better than the political resolution plan that has been initiated.

Ron Siebels


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@adn.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.