
Freshwater fun for kids canoeing, kayaking Alaska waterways

Water in any form is intriguing stuff. Salty, fresh, or frozen, water is a sensory highlight for children, whose curiosity is piqued by opportunities for splishing and splashing.

In Alaska, many of those experiences center around boats, large and small. It's no wonder. The Last Frontier has more coastline than all the other states combined, nearly 6,500 miles of it, and 3 million lakes, so access to water is by nature part of most Alaskans' lives.

Children are drawn to water, be it through stomping in mud puddles or drawing a canoe paddle across a placid lake. It's a delightful way to spend time, and Alaska families are fortunate to have a diverse and accessible list of options appropriate for even young kids. While motorized watercraft provide big fun for many, using human power to move across a stretch of water is a great way to teach kids new skills and help them become aware of their surroundings.

Dan McDonough, father, grandfather, and owner of Lifetime Adventures along the shores of Eklutna Lake, has been renting kayaks to eager boaters for more than 20 years, and he knows what water does to children.

"Water is mesmerizing. Kids watch the swirls, the way their paddle dips in the water, and how the boat glides. It's out of the ordinary scope of daily life," he says.

Indeed, many children, especially smaller kids who aren't old enough to paddle long distances, sometimes fall asleep to the delicate cadence of a canoe or kayak slicing through the water, the drips of water tap-tapping against the boat. My son, 10, finds paddling a test of his pre-teen strength and gangly balance as he learns just how far he can push the envelope of our Old Town canoe before it wobbles and scares his mother.

Alaska is full of lakes and slow rivers ready to welcome any family wanting to introduce children to kayaks or canoes. A helpful starting point is your local Alaska Public Lands Information Center, with locations in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Tok, and Ketchikan (www.alaskacenters.gov). Designed to help Alaska public land users, the centers offer maps, passes, and trip-planning advice for those interested in exploring our state's watery trails.


Alaskans like Casey Ressler, marketing and communications director for the Mat-Su Convention and Visitors Bureau, have favorite waterways. Fortunate to live and work near the scenic Matanuska Lakes State Recreation Area, Ressler and his family have spent hours canoeing and fishing the stocked waters of several lakes formed by glacial depressions. Formerly known as Kepler-Bradley State Recreation Area, the park is now open year-round with fishing, boating, and biking providing family fun.

"Canoe Lake is my personal favorite," Ressler says. It's easy access with a canoe or kayak, and there are a ton of grayling in that lake. It's where my daughter caught her first fish, in fact, during a canoe trip."

At Mile 36.4 of the Glenn Highway, boaters will arrive at the entrance to Matanuska Lake, where a campground is available for those who wish to extend their adventure with an overnight stay. That's part of the attraction of the area, says Ressler. (dnr.alaska.gov/parks/aspunits/matsu/keplerbradlksra.htm)

"It's so easy to introduce kids to boating with an experience here. Kepler Park rents paddle boats, canoes, and PFDs, so it's a great starting point for those who don't have their own equipment. And camping is a nice bonus."

Other family-friendly spots for floating fun include:

Anchorage Parks and Recreation system (www.muni.org/departments/parks/pages/lakes.aspx). Many a newbie boater has found accessible and calm waters at Goose Lake, Cheney Lake, Jewel Lake, Beach Lake, and Mirror Lake parks. Perfect for families learning about small watercraft, these spots are also close to home, and great for an evening paddle before bedtime.

Eklutna Lake (www.lifetimeadventure.net/eklutna-trips-and-rentals). Owner Dan McDonough has a flotilla of double and single kayaks for rent to use on the turquoise waters of Eklutna Lake. Morning is the best time to paddle here, as afternoon winds can and do make boating a bit of a challenge for the less-experienced boater. Two hours for $40, reservations recommended.

Swan Lake/Swanson River Canoe Trail system (www.fws.gov/refuge/Kenai/visit/visitor_activities/swanson_river.html). This Kenai National Wildlife Refuge series of canoe trails and portages (overland travel with your boat) is considered by many the crown jewel of multi-day freshwater trips, and is perfect for the older child or teenager who wants to experience the thrill of paddling and portaging on a scenic route.

Nancy Lakes State Recreation Area Canoe Trail System (dnr.alaska.gov/parks/units/nancylk/nancysum.htm). Lynx Lake Loop is an 8-mile canoe trail among a chain of smaller lakes that requires some portages, but is suitable for families comfortable with boating and camping. It's most often traveled in one leisurely weekend paddle, but hardy boaters can accomplish the loop in a day.

Denali State Park/Byers Lake (dnr.alaska.gov/parks/aspunits/matsu/byerslkcamp.htm). Canoe and kayak rentals are available at Byers Lake Campground through Southside River Guides (www.denaliriverguides.com), and the lake provides a quiet place for new paddlers to explore this scenic area, including great views of Denali on clear days. Located 147 miles north of Anchorage along the Parks Highway, Denali State Park is often overlooked by travelers heading north to the national park.

Chena River, Fairbanks (dnr.alaska.gov/parks/units/chena/river.htm). Depending upon where you choose to put in, paddlers can make their way from Chena Hot Springs Road to the downtown area, meandering through this scenic state recreation area. Be aware of log jams and low-hanging branches known as "sweepers" along the river, particularly in the upper section.

Knik Canoers and Kayakers Club (www.kck.org/about.html) offers group paddles, classes, and informational meetings that enhance a paddler's experience on Alaska's waterways.

“Kids Don’t Float”

Children under 13 are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal floatation device (PFD) in an open boat and on decks and docks. Kelli Toth, education specialist for Alaska's Office of Boating Safety, reports that five out of six Alaska boating fatalities occur in sudden, unexpected events.

"Sudden capsizes or falls overboard leave no time to locate a PFD prior to entering the water," she says. "This is why wearing a life jacket is critical."

The popular "Kids Don't Float" program is a statewide effort and national model for water safety in response to Alaska's high childhood drowning rate. Originally developed in Homer in 1996 with "loaner boards" of life jackets, the program now offers classes, materials, loaner boards, and educational opportunities around the state.

Toth suggests parents implement family rules that include wearing life jackets on all docks or when playing near water, adding that the presence of a responsible adult is a best practice. And, she says, grownups should not be exempt from the PFD rules.

"Without PFDs, the risk of drowning in Alaska's cold water becomes a reality, no matter one's age, experience, or swimming ability."


The Office of Boating Safety provides a wealth of information, including boating safety training and kid-friendly activities, at many events around the state. Groups can also request a class tailor-made for a specific age, where topics range from self-rescues, capsizes, rescuing other people, and life jacket performance tests. www.AlaskaBoatingSafety.org, or call 907-269-6042.

Erin Kirkland is the author of "Alaska on the Go: exploring the 49th state with children," and publisher of AKontheGO.com, Alaska's only family travel resource. She is currently working on her second book, due out next year.