Alaska News

Could Sarah Palin save Rick Perry's campaign?

The presumed national tea party candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, has shot himself in the foot time and again during recent Republican debates. He's been criticized as "lackluster," ill-informed and defensive.

So what's a national grassroots movement of conservatives to do?

CNN seems to think Perry needs a savior and may just have an ace in the hole he hasn't yet utilized: the star power of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

A political scientist and University of Houston sociology professor opines that "a dose of Palin power would do much to revitalize Perry's chances to win the Republican presidential nomination."

Just envision the image of these two politicians hitting the trails in Iowa and New Hampshire, flanked by journalists and flashing cameras at every juncture. This dynamism and attention would infuse Perry's campaign with a Hollywood cachet that his opponents lack.

Shayne Lee, the article's author, suggests that Perry should immediately begin wooing Palin and to "meeting most of her demands, however diva-esque they may be."

Read the full story here.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.