Alaska News

Nugent to plead guilty to illegally shooting a black bear in Alaska

Ted Nugent hasn't had the best week. For one, the Secret Service came knocking after the rocking great white buffalo hunter made comments to the National Rifle Association convention last weekend that if "Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

"If you can't go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of," Nugent told the crowd, all of which caused Mitt Romney to rather awkwardly distance himself from Nugent's endorsement.

Thursday, his spokesperson told the media that the issues had been "resolved."

Nugent's troubles continued in Alaska, however. In an Anchorage federal court on Friday, Nugent declared his intent to plead guilty to one count of an illegal bear hunt.

The hunt took place in 2009, when Nugent was in Alaska shooting his show, "Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild," which is, well, you can imagine.

In 2009, Nugent was hunting near one of those controversial bear-baiting stations — containing donuts, perhaps, soaked in grease -- when he launched an arrow that wounded a black bear. The bear ran off. Nugent tried to find it. He couldn't, and so four days later he killed another bear.

For this he faces federal charges. Some in Alaska are wondering if those charges aren't politically motivated. The timing does seem suspect. More to come.

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