Alaska News

Police: Cyclist at fault in fatal accident

A report from the Anchorage Police Department has determined that William Curry, a 36-year-old cyclist who was killed April 5 when he was struck by a car at an intersection, was at fault in the accident. The accident, which took place at the intersection of Tudor Road and C Street, occured when Curry entered the intersection on a red light as a vehicle traveling southbound on C Street -- driven by 59-year-old Melinda Talaro -- made a legal turn westbound onto Tudor. Curry was traveling east in the westbound lane of Tudor, according to information from a GPS unit that he was carrying with him. The case report mentions that cyclists in Anchorage must observe the same rules as motor vehicles, and that Curry was also wearing an iPhone headset in violation of those rules. After Curry's death, a "Ghost Bike" -- a white bicycle signifying a location where a cyclist has been killed -- was established at the location but later removed by city workers.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.