Alaska News

Viral video: Bride caught texting down the aisle

Video of a texting bride went viral this week, as Web watchers take a moment to see the woman tap through her own wedding ceremony.

In these times, have we become so technology-driven that checking Facebook or Twitter is now a necessity, even during special occasions?

While the video was posted online back in 2009, its popularity took off only recently. The YouTube clip – published by user jimcostafilms1 and originally shot in 2008 in San Diego, Calif. – shows the bride discreetly pulling out her cellphone from under her veil and texting with one hand. Her other hand was being held by her father as they walked down the aisle.

With the bride and her father's back to everyone in attendance, the minister continues with his opening remarks while the photographer catches this funny moment on film. "At one point, I noticed her doing it through my lens and I had to pull away from the camera to make certain I was seeing what I thought I was seeing," he writes. Her father is seen trying to hold back a laugh and allow his daughter to do what she wants on her special day.

Maybe the text went something like, "Getting married LOL."