Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski should oppose Kavanaugh

As a constituent and a woman, I urge Sen. Lisa Murkowski to oppose the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as the Supreme Court nominee.
Sen. Murkowski can pick any reason she likes — there are many good reasons to oppose him. Her easiest "out" is to simply comply with the GOP's own "McConnell Rule," deferring any Supreme Court confirmation in an election year.

Should Sen. Murkowski fail to stand by women's health (or, honestly, everyone's), put the president above the law or engage in the hypocrisy of not following the McConnell Rule, I will do everything in my power to see that she will not be our senator for much longer. She will be voted out. Sen. Murkowski needs to grow a conscience and do the right thing.
— Ariel Phifer

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