Alaska News

Photos: Alaska's same-sex marriage ban overturned

Couples lined up early Monday at the Anchorage office of the Bureau of Vital Statistics to obtain marriage licenses, a day after a U.S. District Court judge overturned Alaska's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

Stephanie Pearson and Courtney Lamb were first in line before the Midtown offices opened Monday. The couple was one of five who were plaintiffs in Hamby v. Parnell, the case that directly challenged Alaska's constitutional amendment passed by voters in 1998 defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Along with their IDs and a marriage application they had already filled out Friday, the women brought a copy of Sunday's court decision by U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess, "just in case," Lamb said.

Bringing the decision proved unnecessary, as couples quickly applied for licenses without issue. Marriage applications had already been updated to include gender-neutral listings for couples, identifying them as "party A" and "party B"instead of the former "bride" and "groom" designations previously included.

READ MORE: With Alaska's gay marriage ban overturned, couples file for marriage licenses