Alaska News

State tightens guidelines for returning Alaskans

Travelers walk through Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport on March 13, 2020. (Marc Lester / ADN)

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State officials on Tuesday ratcheted up precautions Alaskans returning from outside the state should take. Here are the latest guidelines on what recent travelers should do. Read the full guidelines here.

If you’re returning from European and Asian countries experiencing community transmission

Alaska officials are classifying these folks as higher risk. This group includes people who have entered Alaska in the past 14 days from countries that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are classifying as Level 3 Travel Health Notice Areas: China, Iran, South Korea, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City. That list grew Tuesday to include the United Kingdom, Ireland and Malaysia.

The state says that these individuals:

• Must not go to school or work for the 14-day period after their return to Alaska, and should contact their employer accordingly.

• Must stay at home and avoid contact with other members of the household.


If you’re returning from anywhere outside of Alaska

The newest health mandate says that anyone who has traveled from outside of Alaska, including the rest of the U.S., in the past 14 days:

• Must distance themselves from others, keeping 6 feet from other people (this could mean not going to work or school if a safe distance from other people can’t be maintained; the state urged these individuals to contact their employer).

• Must limit their public activities and avoid crowded places.

The state considers this group of people to be at medium risk.

For these returning travelers considered higher and medium risk

• Take your temperature twice a day, watching for fever. Also watch to see if you develop a cough or have trouble breathing. If you have a fever over 100.3 degrees or develop a cough or shortness of breath, contact a health care provider.

• Keep your distance from other people (around 6 feet). Avoid mass transportation while you distance yourself from other people.

• Limit your public activities and avoid crowded places.

• If you need medical care for other reasons, alert your health care provider before you go and inform them of your recent travel.

All Alaskans are advised to regularly wash their hands, clean surfaces and avoid large gatherings.