A 71-year-old Anchorage resident has died of COVID-19 and the state health department confirmed an additional 14 cases Sunday, including a staff member at McLaughlin Youth Center in Anchorage.
Of the new cases announced Sunday, there were four in Anchorage, seven in Fairbanks, two in Juneau and one in Seward. Alaska now has 185 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Six Alaskans have died from COVID-19 as of Sunday. The most recent death was a 71-year-old Anchorage resident who contracted the virus Outside, the state Department of Health and Social Services said in an online statement. The person tested positive for COVID-19 on March 28 and was hospitalized in state. He or she had preexisting health conditions, according to the department.
A McLaughlin Youth Center staff member was among the 14 COVID-19 cases confirmed Sunday. The Division of Juvenile Justice is working with the state health and epidemiology departments to determine who may have been exposed.
“Regarding the situation at McLaughlin, please know DJJ is working closely with state and local public health officials to ensure that MYC residents, staff and anyone who may have been in contact with this positive case is aware of this situation and knows what we plan to do,” DHSS Commissioner Adam Crum said in the statement.

The McLaughlin Youth Center will prioritize testing for staff and clients and bring in public health officials to help test and conduct contact investigations, the statement said. Staff members who were in the affected unit who likely had contact with the infected person are being sent home, state officials said.
Juvenile justice facilities across the state suspended in-person visitation March 27 in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. Facilities encouraged frequent hand washing, routine disinfection of high-touch surfaces and staff members feeling sick to stay home.
Four additional people were admitted to the hospital by Sunday and 20 Alaskans have been hospitalized because of COVID-19 so far.
Of the 14 new cases reported Sunday, two patients are under age 19, three are between ages 30-39, one is between 40-49 years old three are between ages 50-59 and three people are between ages 60-69 and two are between 70-79 years old, according to the health department.
[Fairbanks death is first tied to COVID-19 in Interior Alaska; confirmed cases rise to 171 statewide]
[As Alaska’s coronavirus count climbs, the state’s fastest-growing region poses a puzzle]
[A Girdwood man tested positive for COVID-19. His neighbors stepped up to help him.]