Rural Alaska

Salmon meet escapement goals in Kuskokwim River tributaries

BETHEL — King, chum and red salmon are meeting the Alaska escapement goals on tributaries of the Kuskokwim River, according to state standards.

Healthy numbers of salmon are reaching their spawning grounds this season in the western Alaska tributaries, with chum and red salmon surpassing state goals at some locations, KYUK-AM reported Thursday.

King salmon have met goals on the Salmon River Pitka's Fork, Cheeneetnuk River, Gagarayah River and Holitna River.

The state Department of Fish and Game operates six weirs on Kuskokwim tributaries to monitor king salmon escapement, also tracking the five and 10 year averages for the species. T

The recent salmon runs appear to be consistent with the averages, department researcher Nick Smith said.

The George River weir has reached the escapement goal for kings and is tracking just under its 20-year average. The Salmon River Pitka's Fork weir is consistent with the king salmon run from last year.

"The five and 10 year averages have included those years of low productivity," Smith said. "So to be tracking the five to 10 year average is telling us that we're following the same general pattern that we've seen over the past five to 10 years."


Chum salmon have exceeded their escapement goal in the Kogrukluk River weir, the only weir with an escapement goal for chum.

Red salmon escapement is heading above average at the Kwethluk, Salmon and Kogrukluk weirs.