OPINION: State Supreme Court’s ‘yada yada’ isn’t funny for Alaskans locked up without due process
Instead of exercising a check on this unfunded power exercise to unconstitutionally confine vulnerable Alaskans, Superior Court judges are issuing court orders that enable it.
OPINION: State’s justification for withholding police body camera video is vague and overbroad
Millions of taxpayer dollars have been spent and will continue to be spent on police body cameras in Alaska. But there is more at stake than money.
OPINION: The truths that police body cameras don’t reveal
The stronger our beliefs, the more they filter out evidence to the contrary and give more weight to evidence that supports them.
OPINION: A step toward addressing Alaska’s appalling prison statistics
The Parole Board should not be substituting its judgment for that of the judiciary.
OPINION: State mistreatment of Alaskans with mental illness victimizes families
Because our Legislature has defunded and refuses to fund less intrusive programs, forced detention and drugging have become the “go-to.”
OPINION: ‘Shoot the messenger’ is no way to fix Alaska’s mental health care struggles
I stand by my commentary that the white paper effectively revealed systemic failures resulting in Alaskans with mental illness being denied due process.
Letter: Reamer brings history to life
Thank you to the author for bringing history to life and starting my day with a new appreciation of its limitless lessons.
OPINION: Paper reveals shocking mistreatment of Alaskans with mental illness
Alaskans with mental illness are being subjected to inhumane “treatment” without due process under the guise of protecting them.
OPINION: What one crime victim taught me about forgiveness — and our justice system’s roadblocks against it
It’s time to remove the roadblocks to those crime victims who want the reparation that forgiveness offers. It’s also time to tap this rehabilitative power for defendants, and its reduction in recidivism.
Alaska Supreme Court shines light on trial courts’ ‘grave injustices’
While the opinion reads like a legal win for Alaskans with mental illness, it may not result in any real change.