
Inaction doesn’t make you a women’s health champion

You may have heard Gov. Bill Walker recently share his claims to protect access to reproductive health care, including abortion.

Don't let his words fool you. Gov. Walker has been known to say one thing, but his actions say otherwise.

Here is the bottom line: There is no shortage of elected officials with extreme and dangerous positions on women's health, which is why we need a candidate unwavering in their commitment to protecting the health and rights of all Alaskans no matter what. Mark Begich is that candidate.

His opposition is former Sen. Mike Dunleavy, who wants to ban abortion, and Gov. Walker, who has made some progress on health care access, but not enough.

It isn't good enough to say you're going to leave the current protections in place. We need a leader who will take action and actually lead on reproductive health and rights.

We need a governor who respects women to make their own health care decisions and will advance policies to move Alaska women and families forward. We have already seen that with Mr. Begich, who supported legislation protecting abortion, who has stood up to employers who involve themselves in private reproductive health decisions, and someone who voted to protect Planned Parenthood.

Our current governor balks under the Trump administration's attacks on our basic rights and freedoms. It is time for a leader who will fight back. We can't go back to the status quo of previous decades, when women's protections were paid lip service but not a reality.


Gov.Walker has shown he will pick and choose when he will stand up for health care access. He has declared his anti-choice beliefs and taken action to chip away at abortion access. He sought to defend a 2013 law that would limit Medicaid funding for abortions. He failed Alaska youth in a stunning lack of leadership resulting in limited access to comprehensive, medically accurate sex education. He also refused to sign on in support of marriage equality and instead supported same-sex marriage bans.

Sen. Dunleavy couldn't be worse when it comes to the needs of women and families. He has compared Planned Parenthood to the Ku Klux Klan, wouldn't denounce a candidate Gov. Walker nominated to replace him who compared women to dogs, and will decide what Alaska women do with their bodies.

Here is what it comes down to: The right of women in Alaska to make their own decisions about their bodies and their futures will be determined by our next governor.

Our votes can ensure we have a real champion for women's health and rights at the helm. Former U.S. Sen. Mark Begich has championed legislation to protect reproductive health care because he trusts women to make their own health care decisions.

We're working overtime to engage and mobilize voters around women's health because there is too much at stake to sit on the sidelines. Now is the time to unite, show our power and make sure all of us have the freedom and opportunity to lead healthy, full lives.

Of the candidates on the ballot for governor, only Mr. Begich will be a true champion for everyone in Alaska. Gov. Walker continues to enable the far right through his silence and inaction.

Women pay close attention to where the candidates stand.  There is a growing force in Alaska to protect access to health care and the autonomy of women. We know who will fight for us without question. Mark Begich is the leader we need.

Jessica Cler is Alaska State Director for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii.

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Jessica Cler

Jessica Cler is Alaska public affairs manager for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest.