
A note to readers: Election op-eds and letters

During the past few weeks, readers have submitted a tremendous volume of commentary and letters to the editor. This is, by all measures, a heartening indication of high engagement with the ongoing conversation Alaskans are having about our state's future.

Unfortunately, print space limitations mean that only a fraction of those contributed commentaries and letters will be printed before the election. Many more will appear online; to find them, please visit the opinion section of adn.com.

Thanks to all who have taken the time and effort to contribute their thoughts on the issues facing Alaska, and apologies to those whose contributions we aren't able to publish before the election.

Tom Hewitt, ADN opinion editor

Tom Hewitt

Tom Hewitt is opinions editor of the ADN. He previously was editorial page editor of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and news director of KTVF and KXDF in Fairbanks.