History will record that Russia’s “sweeping and systemic” interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help elect Donald Trump, as detailed in the 2019 Mueller Report, was perhaps the most successful attack on a foreign adversary in world history — and without firing a single shot.
The now almost forgotten Special Counsel investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign,” found clear evidence that Trump obstructed justice on multiple occasions, that operatives hacked Clinton campaign databases and released the stolen materials through Russian entities, and associates repeatedly lied to federal investigators about their contacts with Russians. The investigation resulted in 37 indictments, as well as seven guilty pleas or convictions. While the report stated that the Office of Special Counsel “accepted” the existing Department of Justice policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted — a policy that clearly needs to be rescinded — the report also explicitly stated that it “does not exonerate” the president. And as Trump was not held accountable for these illicit interactions with our Russian adversaries, Trump and Vladimir Putin were further emboldened.
With the complicity of the Trump campaign and presidency, Russia has now destabilized the U.S. almost beyond recognition. The Trump presidency resulted in countless instances of presidential corruption, epidemic dishonesty, and weakening of our governmental institutions; gangster-like attempts by the U.S. president to coerce a foreign government — Ukraine — into digging up dirt on his political opponent, Joe Biden; the appointment of an extreme Supreme Court majority that is unraveling the social fabric of our nation; an unprecedented effort to suppress minority voting in order to co-opt future elections; and the brazen attempted coup in which Trump sought to remain in power after being clearly defeated. The damage to our nation has been incalculable, and surely beyond Putin’s wildest dreams. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin must be smiling in their tombs within the brick walls of Red Square and the Kremlin.
Ironically, “Make America Great Again” is now part of Putin’s clandestine long game to “Make Russia Great Again.”
An astute observer in Finland, our newest NATO ally, which knows Russia better than most, recently noted that Russia’s successful attack on America helped put Trump — a Putin ally — in the White House, and the resulting deterioration of our democracy and strategic alliances set the stage for Russia’s imperial ambitions today in Ukraine and eastern Europe. The Finnish observer offers the following observation:
“Had Trump succeeded to stay in power, the march of Putin to various targets in Eastern Europe would have been more like an easy summer parade. NATO would be partially paralyzed by his loyal friends in the White House (who likely would have got their personal share of the profits).” He pleaded with Americans “… to show to the world that the western flank of Putin’s army, the one located in your country, is held accountable. Don’t let him use you.”
We should heed this warning.
It is clear that the Kremlin will continue to exploit America’s current political chaos — that it helped foment — any way it can. Our democracy is teetering on the edge of an abyss. We need to step back from the edge and collectively resist Putin’s continuing effort to destroy America.
The Biden administration has done a spectacular job countering Russian aggression here in the U.S. and in Europe, and the congressional Jan. 6 Select Committee has done an equally spectacular job laying out the case against Trump and friends for obstructing an official proceeding of Congress, criminal conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government, witness tampering, and perhaps more.
Now it’s time for the Department of Justice to hold Trump and his associates legally accountable, and indict them for any and all provable illegal actions.
Rick Steiner is a conservation biologist in Anchorage, former University of Alaska professor and founder of Oasis Earth. He worked throughout Russia for many years.
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